Deglutology is in relatively infancy with a sophisticated knowledge base. Indequate availability
of experts in field of deglutology is unfortunate in a country like India, which is ranked as
the top most populated countries of the world.
Swallowing, or deglutition, is a complex mechanism of food moving from oral cavity via pharynx
into the esophagus and then pushed to the stomach. Incordinated processing of this process can
result in swallowing disorders.
Swallowing disorder can be fatal, and results in negative impacts on quality of life. About 5%
of general population have dysphagia, with major issue being faced by patients with head and
neck cancer, ,motor neuron disease, children with cerebral palsy, down syndrome. Adults with
dementia, parkinson's disease, traumatic injuries and prolonged medical care due to old age also
suffer from dysphagia in a large extent.
Based on the etiology, management of dysphagia demands multidisciplinary team of clinicians including Head and Neck Surgery, Otolaryngology, Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology, Geriatrics, Pediatrics, Adult and Pediatric Neurology, Pulmonology, Gastroenterology lead by a Deglutologist.
Foundation for dysphagia research and education [FDRE] is working under the aegis of Society for swallowing disorders [SSD] registered as a charitable organisation under the Travancore Cochin charitable society act. The Foundation as well as the society are a non profitable organisation to promote awareness and improve the services of deglutology. The primary aim of the foundation and the society is to create awareness about dysphagia in medical and allied fraternity providing common platform for multiple specialities in the field of deglutology to upgrade clinical, research, educational skills.
Message from President

Dr Jayakumar Menon
PresidentIt is a great honour and pleasure to inform you all regarding the formation of Foundation for Dysphagia Research and Education (FDRE) and Society for Swallowing Disorders (SSD) under the patronage of renowned head and neck, plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr Subramania Iyer.
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Mr Arun Balaji
SecretaryFoundation for Dysphagia Research and Education (FDRE) and Society for Swallowing Disorders (SSD) are a non-profit organization from India dedicated to develop, strengthen Swallowing Sciences, Evaluation, Diagnosis and Rehabilitation for Dysphagia.
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